Perry Draper Law

Our Team

With offices in Florida and California, our legal team is always available, ready to connect, answer your questions, and meet your needs. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call 833-428-1263 or send us an email.

We are passionate about what we do — protecting you. We’re a lean and strong team, devoted to making sure you are taken care of, feel comfortable, and get the best deal you can.  We know if you are thinking about consulting an attorney with your personal, business, or financial concerns, it can be an intimidating and difficult time in your life. We are here, devoted to making it as painless as possible, explaining your options, and most of all to empowering you with the legal rights and knowledge, the acumen necessary to help.

Many of our clients, after getting through their legal battle or debt settlement, say they wish that had just called sooner. It’s understandable to avoid, not face matters, and shy away. We understand. The sooner you learn your options, equip yourself with legal options, and consult with our firm, the stronger you’ll be.

Give us a call, and we’ll make sure your free consultation call is absolutely pressure-free and knowledge packed.

Read more about our team’s expertise and connect with us on social media!